Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ghana and the Ashanti Tribe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ghana and the Ashanti Tribe - Essay Example The issue of Ghana and the Ashanti tribe is one of great significance and interest, and in order to come to a better understanding on the subject matter, we must thoroughly discuss these topics, as well as any and all key related information. The aim of this paper is to do this, in order to provide a more intellectual and knowledgeable viewpoint on the subject matter at hand. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Ghana is a country in West Africa which borders the Ivory Coast to the west, Burkina Faso in the north and Togo to the east. Ghana was "inhabited in pre-colonial times by a number of ancient kingdoms, including an island Ashanti kingdom and various Fante states along the coast." (Wikipedia, 2006). Ghana became independent in 1957, and the country's population is now 21,029,853. The name Ghana is mostly symbolic, and was chosen for the nation - a reference to the Ghana Empire of earlier centuries. Ghana comprises of over 60 ethnic groups, with fifty two major languages and hundreds of dialects which are spoken in Ghana, and English, the official language of Ghana, is spoken by many. Like most other African nations Ghana has rich traditional cultures that differ from one ethnic group or tribe to the other. Generally, Ghanaians emphasize such communal values as; family, respect for the elderly, honoring traditional rulers, and the importance of dignity and proper social conduct. "Individual conduct is seen as having an impact on an entire family, social group and community; therefore, everyone is expected to be respectful, dignified and observant in public settings and in most every aspect of life." (Wikipedia, 2006). No part of Ghana, however, is ethnically homogeneous. Urban centers generally ethnically mixed due to migration in towns and cities in search of employment; rural areas, with the exception of cocoa-producing areas that have attracted migrant labor, tend to reflect more traditional population distributions. Prior to European colonization, the Ashanti Confederacy was a major state in western Africa, particularly from 1570 to 1900. Ashanti wealth was based on the region's substantial deposits of gold. These rich deposits led to much metalworking among the Ashanti. Ashanti was one of the few African states which was able to offer serious resistance to the European imperialists. Between the years of 1826 and 1896, Britain fought four wars against the Ashanti kings (the Anglo-Ashanti wars), one of which was notable as the first conflict in which the Maxim gun was used. "In 1900, the British finally subdued the kingdom and renamed it the Gold Coast colony. A revered figure in Asante history is Yaa Asantewaa, a leader of the resistance against British colonialism in 1896." (Wikipedia, 2006). The Ashanti people are known mostly for their colorful folktales and mythology, as well as for their religion. The most important god in the pantheon of the Ashanti of Ghana is Nyame, the omniscient, omnipotent sky god. Tano is one of the most important and famous gods of Ashanti. All the other gods of Ashanti, especially the river gods in particular, are believed to be the children of Tano, and therefore the Ashanti believe that the gods are the children of Nyame and that they serve as intermediaries between humans and Nyame. The Ashanti tribe is the tribe from which nearly half of the Ghanaian population is descended, and is the largest tribe in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Internal public relations action plan at Burt’s Bees Inc Essay Example for Free

Internal public relations action plan at Burt’s Bees Inc Essay The objective of the Burt’s Bees Inc is quite simple â€Å"Practicing what we preach. † Concerning the philosophy, I recall what Koran, Moslem’ Holy Qur’an, says about the countless benefits of honey, which is also created by bees. Since the company aims at manufacturing products from natural ingredients, the company decides to put the idea of earth-friendly on the company’s packaging. Natural also underlies the company business philosophy, saying that sustainable business practices are keys to successful business since it promotes best practices. The company says that this philosophy is reflected in its ingredients and packaging designs that carefully take pay attention to environmental preservation including all living things on the planet Earth. In terms of industry leadership Burt’s Bees is still a small player in personal product sector. In 2003, the company generated revenue $50 million. Although this number was considerably huge for the 20-year old company, I see that the revenue achievement of Burt’s Bees was not noteworthy if we compare it to the company’s three main competitors; they are Nature’s Sunshine Products Inc, Procter Gamble, and Wyeth. Unlike communication to customers or other external entities, internal public relations do not use television as communication media. This is because television target wide level of audience except in the company there is restricted internal television station that only broadcast within the company’s facilities. This condition suggests that in developing internal public relation action plan, a company needs to assess what communication media is appropriate to communicate an event or a program and at what time the company should deliver the information. Therefore, a company will provide careful plan so that their message in internal magazine/newspaper, web site, and internal television will convey similar message. Table 1 Internal Communication Action Plan at Burt’s Bees Inc in 2007 Issues Action Accountability Delivery Date Measurement Comm. Medium 1. Distribute Information Regarding New Products/Offerings Compile documents regarding new program/products and distribute them to all employees Vice President of Marketing Once every one week and every time new programs are commercialized ? The number of employees response (read the distributed message) reaches minimum of 100% of total employees ? Vast Participants/Audiences Feedbacks ? E-mail ? Corporate Website ? Internal Magazine 2. Employees are unsure the benefits of beeswax and other natural ingredients 1. Invite health scientists regarding the benefits of natural products for our health 2. conduct product demo showing the benefits of natural products 1. Vice President of Marketing 2. Vice President of Research and Development December 2006 and June 2007 Participants understand the benefits of natural ingredients for health care industry and become marketing spokespeople to customers (family, neighbours etc) ? Employee Gathering ? Seminars ? E-mail ? Corporate Website †¢ Internal Magazine 3. Corporate e-mail is full of viruses attack Create regulation regarding the use of Internet for business purpose only Vice President of Information Technology Every employee logs into corporate network ? The number of viruses attack decreased ? Network resources are used efficiently ? E-mail ? Corporate Website? Internal Magazine 4. Employees do not known Burt’s Bees strategic position Informing the comparison with competitors of Burt’s Bees Vice President of Marketing Every Quarter ? Compare products from competitors (Nature’s Sunshine Products Inc, Procter Gamble, and Wyeth) ? E-mail ? Corporate Website ? Internal Magazine 5. Salespeople do not know the approach to customers Setting sales session that teach the strategy to market Burt’s Bees products Vice President of Sales Every Month ? Salespeople understand the strategy to approach customer in selling natural-ingredient products ? Training session (role play) The action plan shows that Burt’s Bees may employ different type of communication media and events in order to inform internal entities (employees) regarding current products, program, and offerings. The brief explanation of each communication medium highlighting the benefits and its audiences is as following: ? Web Si te The key points when conducting promotion via online media is that the message should clearly describe and inform about what Burt’s Bees is offering and had better to provide some links to close the deal (e-commerce ready) for employees who want to but products at a special prize. In Burt’s Bees web site (http://www. burtsbees. com) there should not be overwhelming applications such as Flash Media or pop up. Since not all employees are equipped with have high-speed computers that can access the flash media quickly. In my experience, opening a web site that are equipped with flash media like www. habitat. net can provide guests with dullness since it takes much time to see the animation appear in my screen. ? Print Media. It includes internal magazine/newspaper, poster, and brochures. Since Burt’s Bees are associated with natural ingredients that are safe for human beings, therefore, in the communication message, the company must clearly convey message that employees understand the benefits of natural ingredients like beeswax compared to chemical products. ? Seminars or discussion. In this communication media, Burt’s Bees invite health physicians, celebrities that use natural ingredients products so that employees are confident to communicate the benefits of Burt’s Bees natural products to their families, neighbours, and friends, to name a few. Bibliography Burt’s Bees Inc. (2005). Company Profile. Retrieved November 6, 2006 at: http://biz. yahoo. com/ic/104/104522. html Douglas, Susan P. and Craig, C. Samuel. (1995). Global Marketing Strategy. McGraw Hill, New York. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION ACTION PLAN. Retrieved November 5, 2006 from www. campus. manchester. ac. uk/medialibrary/internal-comms/comms-audit-action-plan. pdf RD Marketing. (2006). Creating an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan. Retrieved November 5, 2006 from http://www. rd-marketing. com/communications-plans. htm.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

New International Markets: Waitrose

New International Markets: Waitrose Waitrose is one of the leading retailers in the UK market being a subsidiary of John Lewis departmental stores. In the wake of the emerging economies, there are many opportunities which the business can take advantage of by expanding its operations internationally. The report will analyze the internal and external factors which affect operations and performance and identify the countries where the business will expand its operations to. The report makes recommendations for the market entry and exit strategies, functional strategies and the control system to ensure that the implementation is done successfully for a period of 5 years from the year 2012 to 2017. Analysis Waitrose opened its first supermarket in 1955 and has shops throughout England, Scotland and Wales locations ranging from high streets to edge of town sites and varies in size from 7,000 square feet to approximately 56,000 square feet. The Waitrose brand is now owned by John Lewis partnership with a specific aim of combining convenience of a supermarket with expertise and service of a specialist shop. (Waitrose Company 2011). Market selection Criteria Australia Canberra Australia is a market that has a relatively little exposure to foreign business. (Tunny 2006). The availability of small business funding in Canberra increases small business growth providing market for retailer. (Australian Business 2011). The market has also demonstrated growth potential in retail business with departmental stores sales rising by 2.3 % in January 2011. (Australian Bureau 2011). Canberra is a flourishing capital city in Australia located 150 kilometers away from the coastal boarders of the country. It has town centers such as Balcones, Tuggeranary and Woden which are known for their huge shopping plazas. Its shopping zone stands in vicinity of major tourists destinations of the city attracting attention from the tourists. The shoppers zone has recently gained reputation for their nightlife with a wide range of entertainment and stylist restaurants. (Asian rooms 2011). Waitrose expansion to the city would be appropriate to take advantage of the strategic location which offers an opportunity for a retail outlet serving the needs of the tourists and the resident. The business would also take advantage of the citys extended hours of doing business to the night. (Canberra 2011) Canada Manitoba Most of consumers expenditure by Canadian households is mainly through retail outlets which consist of 50 to 55% of the household. (Industry Canada 2011). Retailers concentration has resulted to some retailers holding significant market share like the case in which the largest supermarket in Canada held 31.1% of market share in 1998 compared to USs 5.8 % and Britains 15.4%. (Industry Canada 2011). Manitoba has a five year economic plan to taking a balanced approach which will seek to enhance among other things jobs creation and protection of services in its bid to return Manitoba to surplus. This is reinforced by the 2011 budget which seeks to increase investments in health care enabling all people in Manitoba who would like to have a family doctor by 2015 to do it, building the place with increasing infrastructure like bridges, roads transit and community centre as well as putting families first with examples of credit on tax on children activities, senior citizens and those who take care of them. (Budget 2011). Manitoba is a strong trading province with a strategic central location within Canada and has vital links by rail, road, air and sea. (Laubler 2008). With a population of 1,148,401 people, 448,780 households as at 2006 and a significant urban population, the introduction of Waitrose will be well positioned to capture the target the mainly urban population. (Munroe 2011). The region has transportation means ranging from curries services like Purolator, Looms and DHL. Freight carriers include Canada pacific while there is air transport through the modern regional airport. The region also has bus services across the towns adequate for consumer and business transport. Communication means in the region include newspapers, like the weekly newspaper; the modern times, biweekly newspaper; the southern shopper and daily newspapers. Radio stations providing communication in Manitoba include CFAM, KAUF, the eagle and the modern towns local CKMW. Digital cables and internet communication are als o available in the region. (Transport Communication 2011). The province also has high number if experienced and skilled labor force. (Manitoba Business 2011) Manitoba provinces have been posting strong retail sales. An example was retail customers spending up to $1.26 billion worth of sales for the month of September in 2009 which was a 0.8% increase from $1.25 billion in August. The trend shows a strong market considering the 2009 economic hardship hence presenting a potential growth and resilient market. The province is also an appropriate selection as it had the least drop in sales with the 2009 economic downturn effect compared to other Canadian provinces. (McNeill 2009). The market has also demonstrated a growth potential with the retail sales rising for a third consecutive month by 0.5 % in 2011. (Statistics Canada 2011). Pestel Analysis results The internal factors that would affect Waitrose operations in the market would include: In its expansion to international markets, the business will be subject to a wider scope of business environment determined by various factors including internal factors that would include: (Contemporary issues 2011). Workforce/staff is one of the strengths of Waitrose given that all of its staff are shareholders hence increases their commitment to the business. The staffs skills affect the ability of the business to deliver to its customers and remain competitive thus will be a key success factor. (Waitrose 2011). Finances availability is a factor that affects business operations. Availability of finances enhances the business operations in developing new products and brands relevant to the market. Suppliers determine how the company sources its inputs and raw materials. Suppliers efficiency affects ability to deliver to customers in terms of cost and timing. (Pestel Analysis 2011). Competitors affect the business market share by reducing it hence negatively affecting its performance. (Pestel Analysis 2011). Shareholders affect the decisions that are made regarding the investments that a business is to make thus determining its ability to remain competitive in the market. Waitrose being owned by John Lewis has its workers being its staff thus understands the business operations. (Waitrose 2011) Customers determine the relevant products that a business should provide in the market. This is also faced by the changing needs from the evolving preferences, tastes and lifestyles which require the business to remain innovative in order to satisfy the customers needs. (Pestel Analysis 2011). The external factors affecting business in the two select markets include: Australia- Canberra Social: Economic: Political: Technological: Legal: Environmental: Canada- Manitoba Social: Canadian consumers easily identify and recognize US retail goods increasing the entry of US based retailers into the market. Canadians nature demonstrates consumers who are not comfortable with personalized selling. (Industry Canada 2011). Economic: Political: The governments policies allowing foreign direct investment and free trade is increasing presence of freeing retailers especially from US are changing the market structure. The businesses are introducing new retail concepts in the market including low pricing, big box format and logistic systems. (Industry Canada). The government reducing restrictions on foreign investments (OECD Economic 2006). Technological: increase in use of technology is changing retail market structure. This is through the way the internet is affecting the means of consumers access of information and buying of goods in Canada. It is also increasing marketing in the retail sector. Technology has also increased in store innovation like use of bar codes and point of sale price scanning. This has enhanced management of the stores in the market. (Industry Canada 2011). Legal: Environmental: Demographic: Age difference determines the suitability of the retail system service to customers. This was demonstrated by 77% of Canadian consumers aged 18 to 34 indicating in a survey they they would likely shop in self service while those aged 55 years and above would prefer the in store shopping. (Industry Canada 2011). Competition: The increasing competition is transforming the Canadian retailers with their bid to achieve a competitive edge in the market. The foreign retail businesses presence has resulted to almost disappearance of independent local retailers with the market becoming homogeneous. Wall mart is one of the largest retailers in the market credited with introducing innovation into the industry. Other retailers from US include Old Navy, Best Buy and Staples and winners. (Industry Canada 2011). Risks Considered The increasing adoption of self service technology in the Canadian market may not be suitable with some consumers who would rather use the traditional retail system. Strategies. . (Industry Canada 2011). The increasing use of internet by consumers also increases the consumers negotiating power over retailers since they can access information about comparing many retailers quality and prices. (Industry Canada 2011). The different laws and regulations governing retail industry in Both Canada and Australia may present a challenge to Waitrose affect its operations and performance. (Industry Canada 2011). High taxes in Canada like the highest marginal effective rates experienced in 2005 are a factor that could reduce the investment returns. Large businesses like Waitrose would more like face high taxes. (OECD Economic 2006). Strategies Overall strategy Selected Markets Winnipeg is the capital and the largest city of Manitoba in which Waitrose should sett up its business. Its capital region has more than 60% of Manitobas population. By 2006 census there were 633,451 individuals in the town of which 51.7% were female while 43.3% were male. 24.3 % of the population were 19 years or younger while 27.4% were between 20 and 30 years. Having 409,500 people employed in the city and surrounding areas and the city having been ranked by KPMG in 20067 as one of the least expensive locations to do business in Canada makes it an appropriate location for Waitrose. (Winnipeg 2011). Time frame and sequence of Strategy Entry and Exit strategies Australia Canberra Strategic Alliances: A more recent phenomenon is the development of a range of strategic alliances which are different from traditional joint ventures in which two partners contribute a fixed amount of resources and the venture develops on its own. In an alliance, two entire firms pool their resources directly in a collaboration that goes beyond the limits of a joint venture. (Luostorinen Gabrielson 20002). Although a new entity may be formed, it is not a requirement it could be supported by some equity acquisition of one or both of the partners. In an alliance, each partner brings a particular skill or resource-usually they are complementary-and by joining forces, each expects to profit from the other`s experience which will be the key driver behide the strategy for Waitrose to establish its brand in the Manitoba market. The alliances will involve distribution access, technology transfers or production technology with each partner contributing a different element to the venture. Th e type of the alliance to be applied will be a distribution-based one. (Global market 2011). Considering that alliances with two equal partners are more difficult to manage than those with a dominant partner as well as recognizing that the needs and aspirations of partners may change over the life of an alliance and in divergent ways, the partners will be chosen to have Waitrose as the dominant partner. The challenge in making an alliance work lies in the creation of multiple layers of connections or webs that reach across the partner organizations. It is envisioned that the alliances will eventually result in the creation of new organizations out of the cooperating parts of the partners. In that sense, the alliances will be just an intermediate stage until a new company can be formed or until the Waitrose assumes control of the business. This will be applied in the Manitobas Winnipeg and Modern cities. (Global market 2011). Canada Manitoba Mergers and Acquisitions: The need to enter international markets more quickly than through building a base from scratch or entering some type of collaboration has made the acquisition route extremely attractive aided by the opening of many financial markets, making the acquisition of publicly traded companies much easier. The method will be used for the Australian market to complement the Joint venture strategy will also apply in the same market. A major advantage of acquisitions is that they will quickly position Waitrose in a new business as it will not have to take the time to establish its presence or develop for itself the resources it does not already possess. The strategy will also be a means of taking a potential competitor out of the market. However the strategy is expected to be an expensive way to enter a market and integrating an acquired company into the business will be a challenging tasks confronting top management which will require qualified staff, significant fundi ng all resources of which Waitrose has. (Global market 2011). Functional strategies In the pursuit of the international market ventures, functional strategies will be geared towards: Understanding the connections between the lifestyle and expenditure characteristics of customers, their propensity to purchase one product or brand over another and leverage this understanding to achieve competitive advantage. Improving direct marketing response by ensuring that promotion is targeting the right market segment at the right time, using the right media with the right message. Leveraging consumer data to make better strategic decisions about products, marketing and locations. Increase customer loyalty and retention with a scientific, data driven approach to analytical CRM. The strategies will also be in consistent with the five pillars of retailing which include: Connecting with customer emotions. Solving customers problems. Setting the fairest and not the lowest prices. Treating customers with respect. Saving customers time. (Pavithira 2011). Marketing mix strategies Product positioning The positioning of Waitrose will be of much significant in earning customer loyalty and trust. This will be done by ensuring that service in the outlets will be satisfactory and convenient to the customers. The stores and outlets will have modern technology to enhance service to customers as well as be able to manage demand properly and ensure that customers will always get what they expect. Customers will be provided with online shopping system and partnership cards where they will earn vouchers or redeemable points whenever they shop. (Henderson 2011). Improved compared to the market existing brands focusing on niche market will entail being innovative in the market place. The enhanced products will compete with the existing brands in the market, attract new segments as well as attracting new customers who are not a part of the current target market for the existing products. (Kalyanaram 2011). Pricing The pricing will be done in consideration of competitors prices and to reflect value to customers. As a new venture in the market, the business will have a goal of earning a market share thus will require relatively lower pricing and perceived greater value for premium goods. (Marketing mix 2011). Reduced prices will be aimed at acquiring customers where products will be sold at lower prices attracting customers who would have not bought the products. The reduced prices will also be targeted at winning customers from the competitors. (Kalyanaram 2011). The business will make available in the market premium brands like the royal label; Duchy Originals which Waitrose was licensed to manufacture distribute and sell. Such products will be well positioned to capture market especially for the tourist destinations like Canberra in Australia. (Finch 2010). Distribution The business will reach consumers through different sales channels, stores, websites catalogues. As a retailer, the key aspect of distribution will be where the businesses will be located. In Australia Canberra and its town centers, the business will be located in the shoppers zone in order to make it convenient for the target market to access what they need. In Manitoba Canada, the businesses will be located in the City centers of Winnipeg and Modern City where the urban population, majority of who are working will be the target market. (Exforsys 2009) On the other side the business will make consumers more comfortable with internet shopping since allowing customers to return on-line purchase to their offline stores in case of any problem.(Pavithira 2011). Promotion The business will employ a number of promotion strategies including advertisement, free samples promotion for private label brands and packaging. Advertising will have three objectives of; creating awareness, passing information on available goods and persuading them to buy. Advertising will be done using the traditional media like Television and radio where the mature aged segment can be easily reached and also using the social media where the younger consumers can be easily reached especially considering their significant number in Manitoba Canada. Free samples will be offered in organized contests which will be used to induce the customers to try the new products. (Promotional mix 2011). Use of the partnership chard will be well suited where customers will earn vouchers each time they will spend in the outlets. The card will also be used to provide the customers information to the business where it will be easier to understand them and provide them with well suited products. (Partnership 2011). Operational strategies tactical actions schedule In order to roll out the internalization program successfully, some tactical actions and operations will need to be carried out as identified on the table below with their time line throught the program. Action: Explanation: Duration: Strategic partners identification This will be done for all the markets in Canada and Australia to identify the partners for joint ventures and alliances and identify the businesses which can be acquired in mergers and acquisitions 01/01/2012- 30/06/2012 Authorization and incorporation For the three strategies of entry, the business will seek to get authorization from the relevant authorities during this duration. 01/07/2010- 30/10/2012 Staff recruitment and training The business will hire additional new staff and train all including the acquired businesses staff about the Waitrose products, service and systems in order to help them meet customer satisfaction. 01/11/2012- 31/12/2012 Radio spots Television adverts Radio and Television stations will be identified which will be used to pass information to the markets. The identified medias will be used for advertisement throught the program. 01/11/2012- 30/12/2012 Online system and other systems update. The necessary systems for the business will be installed including the partnership card system and online shopping system for the purpose of E-retailing. 01/12/2012- 30/12/2012 Point of purchase The suitable positioning of the goods will be identified in all outlets so that the outlets can have the most efficient arrangement for customers convenience. 01/01/2013- 10/01/2013 Business stores stock up and launch. The identified and acquired businesses will be stoked up with Waitrose products and service will be launched. 11/01/2013- 30/02/2013 Personal selling. Will be done so as to create relationships with customers and seek to identify what customers will be looking for in a product. 2013-2017. Public relations. Will be a key success factor in trying to enhance good customer relations and handling unfavorable events, rumors and negative perceptions about the products and the company. 01/01/2013- 31/12/2017. Contests and promotions Will be organized so as to interact with consumers and create awareness as well as getting their feedback. EVERY November and December of the year from 213 to 2017. Customer satisfaction survey. This will be done to identify whether the business meets the customers needs satisfactorily and what needs to be improved. Every June from 2013 to 2017. Organizational structure Organizational Structure In the international market expansion the business will adapt an organization structure which will identify the activities to be performed by specific employees and determining the line of authority and responsibility in the business. These tasks are divided into four major categories; strategic management, administrative management/operations, merchandise management, and store management. (Svjrao 2011) This will involve specifying all tasks that need to be performed and dividing their responsibilities among various individuals or channels. The tasks also need to be grouped and classified into a job with a title and description. The structure will also consider the market entry strategy used. (Retail Organization 2011). The strategic market and finance decisions will be under taken primarily by senior management: the CEO, COO, Vice presidents, and the board of directors representing shareholders considering that the acquisitions and joint ventures will bring in some share holders in the business who might not be necessarily employees of the business as has been with Waitrose operations in the UK. Administrative tasks will be performed by corporate staff employees who have specialized skills in human resources management, finance, accounting, real estate, distribution, and management information systems. People in these administrative functions will develop plans, procedures, and information to assist operating managers in implementing the retailers strategy. (Svjrao 2011) The primary operating or line managers will be involved in merchandise management and store management. These operating managers will implement the strategic plans with the assistance of administrative personnel. They will be required to make the day-to-day decisions that directly affect the retailers performance. (Svjrao 2011) The following is the outline of some of the divisions in the retail organization which is much the same as John Lewis organization structure. Owner/CEO or President Store Operations: Management, Cashier, Sales, Receiving, Loss Prevention Marketing: Visual Displays, Public Relations, Promotions Merchandising: Planning, Buying, Inventory Control Human Relations: Personnel, Training Finance: Accounting, Credit Technology: Information Technology (Retail Organization 2011). As the store grows and the retail business evolves, the dynamics of the organizations structure will change addressing the new tasks and responsibilities involved in the international operations. Therefore it will require redesigning the organizational chart to support the decision-making, collaboration and leadership capabilities. (Retail Organization 2011). Structures fit with strategy Strategic control Control system overview Control can be mainly classified as formal and informal with the formal controls being applied by the management in overseeing that tasks are carried out to the specified standards while informal control is work related and is implemented by those working on the tasks as the operations progress without necessarily seeking managerial authorization. Thus informal controls are the most frequent relating to how workers handle themselves and the service delivery. (Jawarski 1988). The measures will be appropriate for controlling and measuring achievement of the objectives like achieving the targeted market share, increasing sales and establishing an effective and efficient distribution network in the new markets. Elements of control Formal control will include process control on how the set standards are to be achieved. It will also include output control and marketing audits to establish progress levels. Process control The Company will focus process control on both management and organization control. Management control will ensure there are in place all resources and commitments necessary for the objectives achievement while organizational controls will focus on internal marketing ensuring cooperation between departments for smooth operation. (Jawarski 1988). ii. Output control Output control will seek to ensure that the quantifiable objectives are been achieved. This will be done by assessing information from the production and other operation departments and from independent surveys to help set achievable objectives and identify necessary measures to achieve them. (Jawarski 1988). Marketing audits Marketing audits will be performed before the execution of the marketing programs to identify the key factors. Two methods which will be used are; SWOT analysis and PESTEL model to analyze competition, marketing mix and macro environment factors. (Jawarski 1988). Informal control will include developing an organization culture for the business and creating a conducive working environment. Control fit with strategy and structure Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

Principle or Personal? Essay -- American History, Joseph MacCarthy

During the Cold War, members of the United States government, army, and even citizens were accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy of being Communist and Soviet spies and sympathizers. These trials persisted through the fifties until Senator McCarthy was excoriated by Congress. Similarly, during the seventeenth century, many inhabitants of Salem, Massachusetts were accused of witchcraft, with a total of nineteen hangings during what came to be called the Salem Witch Trials. These trials were conducted in a similar fashion as Senator McCarthy’s hearings, and many of these accusations were not fought because the circumstances of the time made these claims possible. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible sheds new light on the mysterious Salem Witch Trials and why so many of the small community were hanged. Though some Salemites believed the Devil had come to Salem, Miller’s The Crucible depicts the witch trials as motivated by personal interests of greed, jealousy, and pride. To cover their own personal want, some men of Salem, such as Mr. Putnam and Dr. Walcott, accuse men and women of witchcraft in an attempt to buy their land or receive some compensation once the land-holder is convicted. Mr. Putnam, a key example of the greed in Salem, first demonstrates his when Proctor says that he needs to leave Parris’ house to move wood in Act One. When Proctor tells Putnam that Proctor is dragging wood from the forest by the riverside, Putnam responds, â€Å"Why, we are surely gone wild this year. What anarchy is this? That tract is in my bounds, it’s in my bounds, Mr. Proctor† (30). This response prepares the audience for Act Three, for Putnam would later manipulate the judges caught up in the witchcraft craze to accuse a key land holder in an attempt to a... ...g to other villages, just as an actual crucible would do with glass heated to extreme temperatures. Despite this, mass hysteria has still occurred throughout the history of the United States, from the Senator McCarthy’s Communist trials of the seventies to even modern day, with many Americans drawing suspicions from stereotypes of terrorists. Though today’s suspicions often do not end in hangings, leading figures in society continue to exploit human nature’s emotions to get what these men desire. These influential men are motivated as the men of Salem were; greed drove them to acquire more; jealousy, for revenge; pride, for the sake of being right. Even if these influential men say they act out of principle versus personal reasons, such as those described previously, the opportunities for these men to exploit the people in a state panic will surely not go unused.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is College Education Worth It

Is College Education Worth It? Hailey Mulligan October 24, 2012 Organization Communication MG320 Is College Education Worth It? Getting a â€Å"good† job is not straightforward as it used to be. In past generations, someone in an entry-level position could work their way up the ladder simply through hard work and determination; whether or not one had credentials or a diploma mattered very little. This is not the case today. Higher education is now critical to obtaining a better job because the demand for skilled labor is rising.For this reason, the value that a degree offers is higher than that of one’s actual intelligence or merit. Furthermore, workers without college degrees will quickly be outpaced in position and salary by degree holders. Earning a college degree is no longer simply an option for potential job seekers, but a necessity for those wishing to advance in their careers. With the cost of postsecondary education rising in leaps and bounds, potential student s may wonder if the college education system is still worth investing in.Niall Ferguson (2012) states that at a sample of public colleges, average tuition and fees for in-state residents have risen by 25 percent since 2008; for private schools, these tuition and fees rose by 13 percent (p. 20). Similarly, over half (56 percent) of students are enrolled at four year schools with tuitions and fees of up to $9,000 a year with high-ranking institutions reporting costs upwards of $40,000 annually (Walker, 2010, p. 28). Although this cost has been offset for many students by the increase in government funding for education in the form of grants and entitlements, postsecondary expenses can be daunting.Yet, findings discussed later in this report reveal the vital importance of a college degree, not only in short-term job hunts but as a long-term investment over one’s lifetime. First, the demand for skilled labor has risen in America. According to Bound and Turner (2010), â€Å"colle giate attainment has not kept pace with increases in the demand for skilled workers in the United States† (p. 7). Although there has been a significant increase in the number of college attendees, the number of students actually completing a college degree has not increased proportionately (p. 7).One possible argument for the rising demand of college graduates is the reduction of blue-collar jobs as this nation moves into a technology and information-based economic market (Carnevalle, 2006, p. 90). Bankston (2011) says this trend might be consistent with the argument that advances in technology have created a rising demand for advanced credentials (p. 337). Other authors cite examples of how â€Å"a new technology may require that people have a degree to provide a product or service for which a degree was unnecessary ten years ago† (Whitaker and Zenker, 2011, p. 21).Others argue, however, that demand for jobs that require a college degree is simply a self-perpetuating r esult of the increase in college graduates. In 1940, barely five percent of American’s held a college degree; by 2008 that number had risen to 30 percent (Bankston, 2011, p. 326). One author credits the rise of degree requirements to the growth of government subsidies in the market of postsecondary education (Bankston, 2011, p. 336). As the government gives more money in the form of Pell grants (which has now been deemed an entitlement), more students attend college and obtain degrees.Bankston reasons that â€Å"one would expect that as credentials flood the market, they will purchase fewer opportunities† (p. 336). Over time this may mean that the value of a college degree may diminish and the gap in income and job opportunities between graduates and non-graduates will decrease. (p. 336). It may also mean that having only a bachelor’s degree will not be enough to secure a comfortable career. Debra Stewart, president of the Council of Graduate Schools, claims tha t â€Å"over the course of a lifetime, people with master's degrees earn 18 percent more than those with baccalaureate degrees† (Loftus, 2012, p. 3). For now though, the rise of credentialed job seekers has led to the thought that higher education is an expectation for everyone.Because having a degree has become so common, employers now use it as a way to eliminate people who would not make good candidates for employment—even if a degree isn’t a totally accurate determinant of one’s talent or work skills. The mass availability of college education may actually â€Å"debase its intrinsic value† (Bankston, p. 338). Although someone without a degree may have more natural intelligence and ability than their credentialed ounterpart, a degree is now worth more than actual capability in the job market. Bankston writes that â€Å"the popular emphasis placed on higher education in a society in which higher education has become a broad expectation has heigh tened the importance of credentials as an asset for obtaining a job at the expense of other assets, such as demonstrated ability or experience in a field† (p. 337). A degree provides a form of merit that employers look for immediately because the degree marks the individual as someone who can supposedly meet deadlines, fulfill obligations, and think critically.Margolis (2007) remarks how â€Å"it was the common practice of my colleagues to immediately sift out the [resumes] that didn’t have a degree and just throw them away† (p. 42). Because many employers are searching through high volumes of resumes, they don’t have time to thoroughly look at every single one; they speed up the process by simply filtering out non-graduates. This point is exemplified further in the case of Marilee Jones. The former dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M. I. T. ) quickly resigned after it was discovered she did not actually have the credentials listed on her resume (Kinsley, 2007).Even though she started as a clerical worker and advanced in position over 28 years to become the dean at this prestigious school, her talent and loyalty meant nothing once her padded resume was revealed (Kinsley, 2007). She simply lacked the paper qualifications M. I. T. based itself upon. Although these qualifications are all â€Å"artificial substitutes for real merit, sometimes the artificial substitute is unavoidable† (p. 34). The substitutes are unavoidable when employers, like colleges, do not have the time or ability to gather all the information necessary to determine who will be a successful employee.Even though Ms. Jones â€Å"demonstrated real merit† (p. 34), her paper merit—or lack thereof—ultimately determined her fate at M. I. T. A college degree stands in the place of ability when ability cannot be measured in a concrete way. Not only can the absence of a college degree inhibit one’s ability to o btain a job, it can also hinder one’s likelihood of advancement in a career. A degree increases one’s â€Å"marketability and maneuverability—without a degree, you’re flying by the seat of your pants† (Kinsley, 2007). Although one might find a job without a degree (based on connections, etc. , the degree provides a cushion. If this job were to be lost, a new job could readily be found because of one’s credentials. Furthermore, non-graduates â€Å"cap out† in their careers sooner than graduates. Kinsley notes that â€Å"you hit that ceiling where a high school diploma only gets you so far in a salary range† (p. 34). Bankston also documents the increasing gap since the 1950s in median wage incomes of Americans with and without college degrees (p. 337). The wage premium of a college degree over a high school diplomas increased by 83% since 1979 (Carnevale, 2006, p. 90).Non-graduates have less bargaining power in their positions be cause they are less valuable to their employer and may therefore be unable to take advantage of an increase in earnings or benefits (Kinsley, 2007). So stringent have the qualifications for employment become—arbitrarily or otherwise—that sometimes just having a diploma isn’t even enough. For example, employers are still wary about the quality of online degrees. Lynn Gresham (2008) notes a survey conducted by Vault. com that revealed â€Å"nearly two-thirds (63%) [of employers] still said that they would favor job candidates with degrees from traditional colleges† (p. 4). One hiring manager said they didn’t believe online degrees â€Å"reflect a serious commitment to education† (p. 24). Currently the perceived value of an online degree is less than that of degrees obtained from brick-and-mortar institutions. However, as more job candidates complete degrees online, employers’ views on their validity are slowing changing. For some, the c ompletion of an online degree shows that â€Å"the person is highly self-motivated to learn new skills and acquire knowledge through rigorous self-study methods† (p. 27). Today, the average American changes jobs eleven times during their adult life (U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). For this reason, a person without a college degree would be devastatingly ill-equipped to survive in today’s job market because they lack the flexibility to move to new careers. In 2010, non-graduate workers experienced 10. 4 percent unemployment, while workers with at least a bachelor’s degree were only unemployed at 4. 7 percent (Whitaker and Zenker, 2011, p. 21-22). Employers still look to see if a job candidate has a degree, even if they exemplify significant intelligence.Doors of opportunity that remain open to degree holders will be closed for non-graduates and the ladder of advancement will only reach so high. Diplomas are a form of meritocracy neces sary in America, even if only arbitrarily. While the intrinsic value of a college education may be disappearing because of its mass production, its extrinsic value remains true. Despite its high costs, college is still one of the best investments a person can make in today’s highly competitive job market. Financially and opportunity-wise, obtaining a college education is still worth it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Top Shop essay

buy custom Top Shop essay Introduction In the recent past, competition between businesses operating in similar industries has drastically increased. Vrechopoulos (2001, p. 5) argues that in developed countries, such as the United kingdom among other European countries, more than 70% of businesses have adopted the modern ways of marketing, all in an effort to diversify their market niche, offer improved customer services, thus remaining competitive. One of the most successful clothes retailingshop operating in the U.K. is the Topshop (Varley Rafiq 2004, p. 77). This paper will critically evaluate the Topshops Visual Merchandising, Atmospherics and Web atmospherics marketing strategies. Background on Top Shop Visual Merchandising, Atmospherics and Web atmospherics Topshop is one of clothes retail shop operating in the United Kingdom and more than other 20 countries across the globe. The firm has also established online operations in most of its markets, in order to increase sales revenues. The business is a branch of the Arcadia Group that owns numerous retail shops including Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and Burton. In 2000, the firm uploaded its internet site in order to the internet generation, especially in the U.K., although the site significantly was lacking the actual buying facilities. However, this was rectified in 2002, thus vastly increasing the sales volume of the firm. Visual Merchandising Kotler (2004, p. 34) argues that visual merchandising is an act as well as a profession of coming up with three-dimensional displays and door plans, all with an aim of maximizing sales revenues. The main purpose of visual merchandising is attracting, motivating and engaging customers towards making purchases. This leads to a higher sales turnover that in most cases translates to increased profitability. To achieve the element of visual merchandising, Topshop has adopted appropriate image differentiation as well as fresh retail look. This service is provided by Topshop catwalk fashion trends via merchandiing in-store. Web Atmospherics With regard to the e-retailing, corresponding stimuli are via sound, usability, customisation visuals and text, sound among other parameters. The retail versus e-retail operations Visual Merchandising The store environment is extremely vibrant, lively and energetic. As indicated by Eroglu (2003, p. 9) atmosphere is one of the aspects that has made Topshop a knockout as compared to other firms. Harold (2011, p. 50) indicates that atmospheric is consciousness in designing space, thus creating given effects in the buyers. It can also be described as an effort to design the buying environments, in order to give rise to detailed emotion effects tothe buyers. For instance, the hardwood flooring surfaces used by company represents style and warmth, while the big images of the models as well as in-store signage visualizes the aspects of being authentic and fun. Store layout and display techniques As witnessed on the Topshop Flagship Store located on the Oxford Street, Topshop employs a mixture of free-flow and boutique format depending on the size of the store. As a part of display techniques, Topshop uses store displays and evolving windows as a major voice of its brand (Marianne 2005, p. 17). Web Atmospherics McKinney (2004, p. 89) categorically states that e-store is a purposeful design of an e-retailers site. For Topshop, the website design enables efficient and essay navigation for users. The firms navigation bar on the left side of the website indicates the various services and products offered through the e-store. The other element that has significantly improved the web atmospheric is the visual, colour and text used on the firm's website. Further, the zoom facility enables customers to view the products in close range as well as availability of text (Wang 2002, p. 10). Image Topshop is considered onee of the most successful retailers having reinvented its brand image from cheap teens brand to a street style leader. It is essential to note that, the e-store used by Topshop promotes the image of the urban chic clothing, all targeting young women and teenagers. Comparison the navigation is forboth the bricks and clicks stores. the two methods apply streamline format (Siomkos 2004, p. 41). both e-store and in-store gives in warmth and colour with visual images of products, for example, the website portrays product and the store merchandises. the experience of in-store is much attracting, but the e-store more entertaining because of lighting, colour and music applied (Wang 2002, p. 14). however, both clicks and bricks have an equivalent credits for their clients (Kotler 2004, p. 101). Recommendation From the above information, one can see that both offline and online marketing strategies employed by Topshop retail shop have been extremely successful. However, there is a need to improve the store environment in the web atmospheric to match with that of visual merchandising atmospheric. Further, there is the need to increase brand awareness, both to online and offline customers. Currently, only the brand loyalty for the offline customers is estimated to be at 78%, 24 % higher than that of online customers. In this regard, more online marketing strategies, with the aim of raising brand awareness to the online customers, should be adopted by the firm, thus being able to raise its profitability by at least 12% in the next five years (Marianne 2005, p. 78). Conclusion Topshop is one of the most successful companies in the 21st century. The firm has been able to compete accordingly, due to the effective use of contemporary marketing strategies, thus raising the firm profitability level (Vrechopoulos 2001, p. 8). Buy custom Top Shop essay